Friday, February 1, 2013

Significant quotation from The Handmaid's Tale

"We learned to lip-read our heads flat on the beds turned sideways, watching each others mouths. In this way we exchanged names from bed to bed". The previous quotation represents the theme of women being used as political instruments. A theme is the universal idea described in a literary work. This quotation describes how trapped the narrator and her friends feel within society. They are prohibited from speaking at all and even using their real names. In this time period women cannot vote, or do anything that could possibly make them individuals they have absolutely no say when dealing with making choices. In spite of all of their restrictions, they find ways in order to rebel/bend the rules and reveal their names. This act of doing definitely emphasizes the importance they feel for their identities. In The Handmaid's Tale there is obviously a notable abscence of real names/individuality in the book which suggests why the narrator will try to protect the people she loves.    


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