Thursday, April 18, 2013

Significant quotation from The Handmaid's Tale and it's meaning

"The trouble is I can't be with him, any different than I usually am with him. Usually I am inert. Surely there must be something for us other than this fertility..." ch.39, pg.255

This quotation strongly emphasizes how Offred would like to make her and the commander's relationship something more than just a sexual attraction. The quotation suggests how gullible Offred truly is about their intimacy. Offred is living a fairytale, she is attempting to make the relationship seem real when in reality that would most likely never happen; the commander is only using her to his benefit. The quote in a sense demonstrates how Offred is alot like a puppet not to mention the commanders property. She is only utilized as a form of entertainment but yet Offred is somehow still in denial about the situation. The reader can conclude that Offred is clearly not excited about what is going to happen with the commander, however she forces herself to make the best of it and do it anyway.           

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