Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Rightful King

Within The Tempest Gonzalo offers the idea of a perfect society. Between Gonzalo,Sebastian, and Antonio I definitely feel that Gonzalo would not only be the best king but also the most realistic. Gonzalo is portrayed as an extremely good natured character. He believes in the island in which they are located and believes that it is a sacred place because of their survival. Gonzalo is not just a positive character, he is the only lord who consistently tries to find solutions in the darkest of situations. Gonzalo is the one lord who actually has a healthy vision in terms of his Utopian society which demonstates his good natured personality. Gonzalo suggests the idea of all people treated as equals, a society in which no one will have the need to work. This emphasizes Gonzalo's honesty and innocence which establishes a more realistic attempt for a king.


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