Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflection On The Kite Runner

Refletion On The Kite Runner

The book the Kite Runner is about a boy named Amir who remembers things that happened in his childhood. He has two servants Ali and his son Hassan. Ali and his son Hassan are servants because they are a lower race, which are the Hazaras. The highest point of tension in the book takes place when Amir and Hassan are playing around and suddenly run into three boys. They threaten to beat up Amir because his friend Hassan is a Hazara. I was really surprised at this point in the book, it should not matter what kind of people you hang around with. We are all human and the same in one way or another. The story also takes place during the winter which is the season of the kite fighting tournament. Amir participates in the tournament and ends up winning. At this point in the book Amir finds Hassan trapped while he being there Assef rapes him. It must have been devastating to have to witness something of that nature. After this happened the boys grew apart. The book later moves on to Amir and Soraya's wedding, they get married. Amir returns to Pakistan to reunite with Rahim Khan everything in their country has gone bad. Pakistan was taken over by the soviets and there is alot of violence. The book ends where Amir takes Sohrab and Soraya to a park called Afghans Park. Amir and Sohrab start flying kites.

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