Monday, January 7, 2013

English Sonnet (The Cupcake Fantasy)

I love to eat cupcakes, they are the best:
Cupcakes are filled with fun, sparkly frosting,
Frosting surrounded the table that rest,
Cleaning up the frosting was exhausting,
A moment when cupcakes fill up a spark,
My tummy starts grumbling for a small bite,
The love of cupcakes spread around the park,
Cupcakes I love you with all of my might,
Seeing and eating cupcakes all night long,
Not sure if its a dream make not one sound,
Cupcakes inspire me, I should write a song:
Cupcakes! over there I spot one on the ground,
Don't you dare come near my cupcake you fool,
Hold on, where did he go? What is this drool?